The Author is an advocate for mental health issues and incorporates the Christian perspective attributed to her healing and recovery.
On 16 March 2014 the author had a speaking engagement in Brisbane. She addressed people mainly from migrant backgrounds. She spoke about the challenges faced by new immigrants and offered them strategies on how to cope with such pressures, based on her own life experiences. There were book signings and follow-ups for further support and discussions.
During the Easter period…..
Welcome to a real life experience blog. Here I share experiences of ordinary people like you and I, doing extra-ordinary things. This is because we choose to look at life from a certain perspective.
I believe that we are all put on this earth for a season and we each have a unique plan and purpose. I have found that my purpose is in helping people as they face the challenges of life. Herein I find great joy…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623